3 comments on “Spatial Views in 10.1/10.2

  1. Have you looked at performance differences between old-school spatial views and query layers?

    I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but I seem to recall some cursory tests I ran after 10.1 came out had query layers not performing all that well. Query layers do offer a lot of flexibility, but performance needs to be there as well.

    • I have also noticed performance problems with Query Layers, mostly when performing maintenance on the layers in ArcMap.

      I have also found it difficult or impossible to script modifications to map documents containing Query Layers, which makes them unsuitable for inclusion in map services.

      Publishing/starting/stopping a map service with more than just a few Query Layers can take a very long time, and doing trivial tasks like changing the data source (i.e. changing the database connection from development to production) requires clicking through the GUI, as it can’t be scripted (unlike changing the data source of an SDE-registered layer).

      I’ve stopped using them in favor of registration using sdelayer. But with the SDE command-line tools being deprecated after 10.2, I’m not sure what my options are. As of now, arcpy.RegisterWithGeodatabase_management still does not support view registration, so I may be dead in the water.

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